Every web site that Carol’s Web Design, Inc. creates is specifically customized to meet our clients’ needs and specifications. Our client’s web sites range from the simple to the complex. For this reason, CWD, through a consultative approach, assesses each client’s individual needs, then, from there evaluates an appropriate fee. Cheap websites are not good, and good websites are not cheap.
That being said, CWD is reasonably priced and will not “gouge” for web design services that can easily be accomplished. We are in partnership with you and want our business relationship to be long-term, not just a one-time service. To accomplish our goal, we don’t just put up a website for you –we create web design solutions and approaches.
CWD ensures that every design solution is originates from a marketing strategy that supports our clients’ business goals and objectives. With regard to pricing, our pledge is to work with you and make sure to stick within your budget.
Carol’s Web Design, Inc. would be happy to discuss your web needs and submit an appropriate estimate after substantive discussions about your web design needs and goals. Please contact us at 240.401.2873 or via contact form or email at